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  • Writer's pictureHusain Rizvi

Games for Justice 2021: Week 6 Reflections

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

In week 6, the youth revised their prototypes based on playtester and guest feedback. We also collectively scoped down our projects to prevent burnout and "crunch", and to make sure the focus of our games were tight. We also took extra time this week, as well as during week 4, to reevaluate our community agreements and make sure we are holding each other accountable and committing to collectivism in our work.

Our reflections were about highlights of the week, as well as thinking about how we are in the final stretch of our program.



Of course I am still learning how to code and it’s alway satisfying to see if the code works and runs well, but it’s also frustrating if a code doesn’t work just because if one little code doesn’t like, like change the size of the font or it’s too big and I know that’s the nature of coding where one error will ruin everything. It great that I took a step back and just worked on the sound effect and music and I am excited to go back coding to finish everything.


My highlights for week 6 was putting the narrative into twine. I havent been able to work on the last day of narrative because I got caught up in reading my books. But I am still proud of what I have accomplished. I hope we get to finish the game to a comfortable extent for us. I know we wont be able to finish the game entirely but just finishing a chunk of it is still amazing. I am looking forward to the feeling of accomplishment. Its an amazing and uplifting experience.


An highlight of week 6 would be that we are almost done with our game in terms of having most of the art assets ready to be implemented. I think the drawings I made turned out really good and I’m excited to finally play our game soon!


My highlights of week six would be finishing the map for our game and getting the characters done. I’m looking forward to the finishing touches of the game and putting it out for other people to see.


Working on the videogame was my highlight, and I look forward to getting all of the work done so we can present next week.


My highlights of Week 6 were really seeing the art, narrative, coding, and music pieces come together for the game, as well as all the collaboration, strategizing, prioritizing, and flexibility that came with paring down the scope of the game and deciding how much we wanted to get done in time for the demo presentations next week. We also had some really great speakers come in this week which was a nice thing to experience. I’m very excited to see the final presentations of both groups next week and see all that has been accomplished during the past 7 weeks!


Everything is coming together. From the work group perspective, I've seen so much work and energy put into the project. I'm hoping that youth take away the feeling of being able to create a game.

The last 2 weeks we had some really awesome speakers come into the group. I think this was a great angle of the program; connecting young professionals living their values, following passions, and making really cool stuff.

Most looking forward to final presentations at this point, and hearing what next steps students want to take!


Highlights for week 6 are seeing the youth work hard on their game and seeing all the artwork being implemented! It makes me super happy seeing everyone working together so well and getting to know each other better. Although I’m super excited to see the game come together, I’m also extremely sad to know that the program is coming to an end. So I guess it is a bitter-sweet moment. I’m looking forward to seeing the youth use their knowledge they learned in Games for Justice and apply it in their futures. I also look forward to spreading MY own knowledge I learned in this program to others.


It’s been amazing seeing how comfortable and excited the team has gotten this week. Seeing each of the members work flows and how they synergize to form a product that everyone is super proud of has been beautiful. It’s also been so beautiful just having discussions with them about their interests, passions, and goals in life. I came into this program looking forward to the mutual learning that we would all be able to engage with and it’s safe to say that I have learned so much from the youth. I’ve learned how to be more transparent about my feelings, have a deeper appreciation for the power of artistic expression, and savor the small moments.


I cannot believe it’s the end of Week 6! It doesn’t feel real that it’s ending so soon. I’m really proud of our staff and youth for consistently being willing to prioritize their health and cutting functionality and being flexible with themselves to have fun while creating. I’m also proud of staff and youth working so well together and truly wanting to make each other’s visions come to life. We really feel like a collective at this point, and that’s all I could really ask for :).

I’m not really ready to say goodbye next week, and I’m hoping to think about different ways we can still support one another after the program ends.

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